Following the story of Terra, players who journey into the portable world of Final Fantasy VI Advance will learn to conjure and control creatures called espers by harnessing the power of magic. Gamers lead Terra through two worlds and a variety of environments as they fight the evil Empire.
Final Fantasy 6 Gba Walkthrough
Final Fantasy 6 Walkthrough
Mystics Apprentice rates this game: 5/5The best Final Fantasy EVER made!!!I don't normally replay games that often, but I can safely say that I've replayed Final Fantasy III 3+ times! The story is brilliant, the characters amazing, the soundtrack superb and the gameplay flawless!The gameplay is quite similar to that of Final Fantasy IV (II in US) except some things have been enhanced, as well as the graphics. It's a typical RPG, with so much more.The storyline to this game is what truly makes it a masterpiece.
All of the other Final Fantasy stories are 'good' but there was something about this storyline that just made it awesome. All the characters have unique, detailed pasts, and how they're all intertwined with one another on their quest to stop the Empire from recreating the devastating War of the Magi.At the end of the game, there is a total of like 16+ playable characters to choose from, so with a selection like that, you're bound to come up with some combination that you like. This was pretty cool, so that I could keep my favorite characters and leave out the ones I didn't care for - weren't helpful.I honestly cannot give this game enough credit. Try it, you'll like it!