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Vampire The Masquerade Sabbat Average ratng: 3,7/5 7040 reviews

In a phase where I'm having no creative input or juices yet still need to run storylines for my chronicle. Any ideas/storyline plots that anyone might be willing to throw up?We've done the blood pathogen thing. We've done the someone hunting caitffs down thing. A Romeo/Juliet SL wouldn't appeal to the players.Considerations. Vampire the Masquerade only (ie: no Mage, Werewolf, Demon etc). Sabbat presence in city is fine.Most of my players are 30-40 years old so they appreciate some eerie/dark themes. Do you have a primary story arc for your chronicle or is it just the multiple mini-arcs you mentioned?I'd recommend just opening a copy of V20 to a random page and and finding a subject to explore.

Vampire is ripe with interesting concepts and factions whose introduction can easily change the pace of your chronicle.What if a new Kindred rolls into town and starts preaching about Golconda. Are his claims legitimate or false? How will more reactionary elements in the Camarilla react to him?What if the city is home to a 'pack' of Kiasyd. How can working with this group of loners help ease tensions with local Sabbat - or cause a crisis to escalate? What can the characters gain?Are there any other cities nearby? Maybe they'd like a change of scenery as they install a new puppet prince? Now, it would probably help if you could give an idea of what you've run and the sort of material you are looking for.

What is dark to some is a paler shade of the same to others. I will give you one free idea though. Keep i mind I am tired, so my idea is probably terrible. As opposed to when I am well-rested and they are merely bad.Baali Methuselah wakes up, decides to break the Masquerade.

  • Jun 10, 2007 at 9:44am. The pack is a basic unit of structure for the sect, serving both social and military functions. All Sabbat, even the sect's leaders, are members of a pack. A Sabbat vampire does not have much choice about the pack to which he will belong since he has no control over who chooses to embrace him.
  • Vampire the Masquerade laid strong framework for the Sabbat and included the Code of Milan. This book further develops the Sabbat with great finesse and attention to detail. It is very complete and very intuitive.

The Blood Bath is held whenever sect leaders recognize a Sabbat Vampire as having rightful claim to a title. All the Sabbat who will be under the leadership of the vampire are invited to attend the ceremony.

No, your players don't fight it. What is this, Chaos Factor?


Let the Alastors and Archons deal with that nonsense. No, your players have to clean up its mess. Put the down the local nutjob cult and sanitize it all before the Kine find out.

Vampire The Masquerade Sabbat Founding

Careful, the Society of Leopold is investigating! Introduce the pants-shitting terror of demonic investments in mortals and being hunted by Mother Church. The setting is your standard city in strife, both Sabbat and Camm are trying to take control of the city as a whole. The Sabbat have certain sections as strongholds while the Camm holds others. There is a nominal Prince, no real Primogen council.To date the storylines which have been run has been a blood borne pathogen which a Tzimisce and a Tremere (NPC's) had come up with and had passed through the city under the guise of flu shots. There have been Sabbat hunting down Caitiff's and killing them using them for diablerie.We have had an attempt to destabilize the Ventue elder by destroying Ventrue owned companies in the city (one of the CEO's ended up ghouled by a PC and was being used to sell stocks and to get control of said company, he was sadly executed).This is all coming in the background of Sabbat packs regularly firebombing a favorite watering hole of the Camm, destroying property and so on.


One of the adventures i ran to through off the players was a vampire making a power play in the city, a Ventrue that could only feed off children, he ran nursery / orphanage out of his own money, papers and the city heralded him as a great man giving to the cities needy.How can you stop a man that is well loved by the public and is always in their eyes doing good and charitable things, cant make him vanish without a lot of questions being raised.Of course the fun thing is he was a blood bound puppet the mastermind was one of the children, a 200 year old Ventrue embraced as a child.

To expand on some previous comments, Sabbat have their own idea of what the masquerade should be, alongside rising crime rates and other such things, they will totally just openly use their powers in front of someone. That being said, if they do that, they're likely to kidnap that person and keep them as a bloodbag, or brainwash them.A good way to summarize the Sabbat's masquerade is it's damage control. Also sums it up well. 'Ain't nobody gonna notice if nobody's left to say anything'. This is something that was never clearly explained in many of the books. The Code of Milan states that one must not endanger the sect for personal gain. This is kind of what makes them keep the masquerade.

If humans knew about the Sabbat, they would then hunt them, so it is in the sect's interest to avoid vulgar displays of power. The elders lived through the first inquisition and know damn well they cannot survive another.One huge misperception is the Sabbat is lawless. It is not, and has far more rules than the Camarilla with the 16 revised statutes and practice of the 13 Auctoritas Ritae, whatever Ignobiliis Ritae the local pacts partake in and the weekly esbats. Not keeping with these rituals is heresy and can result in death. The Sabbat reject the Camarilla's version of the Masquerade, in which they hide themselves with layers of obfuscation and secrecy. A Cam coterie breaks the Masquerade?

I guess it means we gotta wash some brains, plant some evidence, 'misplace' some tapes.The Sabbat, though? A Pack screws up and the cattle in general might find out?

Welp, Evidence is irrelevant when the whole place is burnt to the ground and there are no witnesses. Let's call it Dinner by the Bonfire. Feeds a whole pack, hopefully. If not you can always find some hors d'oeuvres lying around. WINK WINK.