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Engine Room Simulators By Dr. Stefan Kluj Average ratng: 4,1/5 9351 reviews

Virtual Engine Room - Free Student Version. Virtual Engine Room – Free Student Version is a fully functional simulator of the engine room with a low speed diesel engine and fixed pitch propeller. The simulator is free for the personal use by all students of maritime colleges and trainees from maritime training centers.

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ICERS12THE 12th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINE ROOM SIMULATORSNovember 19-20, 2015 @Tuzla, IstanbulIstanbul Technical University, Maritime FacultyThe International Conference on Engine Room Simulators (ICERS) aim to supportthe activities of the International Maritime Lecturers Association (IMLA) byproviding an interactive forum for the international maritime engine room simulatorcommunity. ICERS seeks to achieve this aim by promoting international contactand co-operation between engine room simulator operators, researchers,commercial simulator manufacturers and courseware developers, softwarepublishers, relevant government administrations, international and nationalmaritime organisations, marine engineers and shipping companies. At the heartof ICERS are the academic staff and trainers world-wide who seek to supportSTCW Convention, and to further develop the competencies and professionalismof marine engineers, through the use of simulator technology.The local organizing committee invites you to the 12th International Conferenceon Engine Room Simulators (ICERS 12). ICERS 12 will be held from November19th, 2015 to November 20th, 2015 at the Istanbul Technical University MaritimeFaculty (ITUMF), Istanbul, Turkey. The conference will be organized in partnershipwith the Turkish Chamber of Marine Engineers. ICERS12 intends to be a global forum for researchers and engineers to presentand discuss recent ideas about engine room simulators as well as solutions toproblems that showcases new development on ERS in all forms whether it be fullmission, full task, part-task or desk-top PC based.

The aim of ICERS 12 is toprovide a venue and opportunity for the Engine Room Simulator (ERS) communityincluding developers, manufacturers, providers, educators, trainers, publishersand everybody with keen interest on ERS to present their knowledge,experiences, views, research results, and products in a global forum with crossdisciplinaryinterests to bridge the knowledge gap and promote research esteem.The ICERS12 will provide an international forum to address all major topics ofcurrent and prospective interest in Engine Room Simulator Research andDevelopment. In addition to scientific seminars, a wide range of social programsincluding city tours and visits to historical places will be available.The Local Organizing Committee also encourages companies and institutions toshowcase their modern products and equipment in the conference area.SESSION TOPICS1. Education and training with ERS2.

New methods and technologies3. Energy efficiency training with ERS4. Soft skills in ERS5. Assessment and evaluation in ERS6.

Engine Room Simulators By Dr. Stefan Kluj Date

STCW 2010 and ERS7. Troubleshooting analysis8. Special topics in simulatorsCOMMITTEESConference ChairNAKAZAWA, Takeshi (Prof.)World Maritime UniversityLocal Executive CommitteeGULER, Nil (Prof. Dr.)Istanbul Technical University, Maritime FacultyASKIN, Feramuz (President of the Turkish Chamber ofMarine Engineers)The Chamber of Marine EngineersSteering CommitteeNAKAZAWA, Takeshi (Prof.)World Maritime UniversityAl-ALI, Amier (Lecturer)PAAET, College of Technical StudiesKARIANSKYI, Sergii (Assist.

Engine Room Simulators By Dr. Stefan Kluj Kids

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