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Skyrim Too Many Mods Average ratng: 3,7/5 9977 reviews

Is it Possible to have too many mods? I am having issues with lagging, freeze ups and CTD's I have read many technical help guides on here and followed thru on them to no avail. So I was curious if you can have too many packages. I have about 326 in my download file and 169 in my mod folder. Before Ambitions I had some issues but backed up on.

  1. Skyrim Too Many Mods Pack
  2. Skyrim Too Many Mods Crash

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Skyrim too many mods 2

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(NSFW). So i got around to re-installing Skyrim and getting all of the mods i wanted, and as expected It crashed. Mainly when i got near cities/towns and such. So what sorcery are you guys up to when you can run around 140-150 mods without crashing?!Here's a link to all of my mods:Are there any mods here that you suggest that i remove?I have a Gtx 670 OC, 4670k @ 3.2ghz, and 8gb RAM @ 1600mhz.Is there a limit to how many mods you can have installed until the game just says 'NOPE.' I have done everything you should, SSME, cleaning with TESV edit, BOSS, tweaking.ini's and so on.I have previously made a thread about this, but it didn't solve it, so this will be my last attempt.Any help is much appreciated, have a good day.EDIT: I removed the majority of all the texture mods, except the one that i consider most important, and the game now runs PERFECTLY.

I just realized that its not only the 2k/4k re-textures that makes the game look and feel immersive and realistic, its the birds flying around, the townsfolk, the wandering adventurers you meet on the road etc. What i'm trying to say is, mods like town enhancements, NPC addons and sound overhauls were the ones i liked the most, and just removing all of the (imo) unnecessary texture mods made me able to run ALL of them :DThanks for all the help, i will be checking out the Wyre bash patch that many of you recommended.Once again, Have a good one:).

Well a huge problem I noticed quickly is the amount of city mods you are running and that some of them edit the same place. That would cause a CTD alright.As for your other question, I run around 300 mods (250 esps) and its by all means stable. I still get a CTD every few hours sometime and a freeze here and there, but im not complaining. The key is patience, my mod list is months of adding and deleting, scouring for problems and then Sheson came and made iot so I could actually play.

Skyrim too many quest mods

I also have pretty much the exact same specs except for an i5 3570k @ 4.2 Ghz. There is a hard-limit to mods being around the 255 loaded ESP/ESM files in your load order, as per the memory assignment limit of the engine.Anyway, lemme go look through that picture and see what issues I spot:.SkyTEST is a hit-and-miss with several mods due to its nature of modifying expected animal behavior AI, leading to a lot more activity in cells around you in the wilderness. I've also heard of reports of guaranteed CTD's whilst using the mod, so keep that in mind. I woudl personally recommend removing it and using something else.Same for Beast Skeletons. See below for recommendations.Birds of Skyrim and SkyBirds are likely a direct conflict. Pick one or the other. Do keep in mind either will directly conflict with areas that have them that are modded, like an overhaul for Solitude and these mods adding birds in.Audio Overhaul for Skyrim has a lot of compatibility patches.

I myself quickly ran into the hard-limit because of that and had to nuke it off my list.Double Cursor Fix is replaced. Keep in mind OneTweak also has a built-in precache killer.I would recommend against seperate city/town mods and stick to an overall mod like, so as to prevent unknown and unreporeted cell and asset edit conflicts between them, even if they are several cells from each other.Faster Arrows is replaceable by.The rather large amount of environmental mods tells me that you are likely hitting the maximum memory limit Skyrim has. Reduce your texture size usage and/or LOD.WATER may have issues with cell editing mods like your city/town mods. Check for compatibility patches or potential issues.Dead Body Collision Fix may have an issue with the Disintegrate Body spell it has as an option, as it creates ash piles, which are a source of savegame bloat if not accounted for by the use of USKP. On top of this, the way that the mod integrates its effect is questionable to the stability of Skyrim, which intends for dead entities to not have collision with living entities.More Village Animals may clash with your city/town mods.Those HD texture packs in your Items and Objects - World section may be pushing Skyrim too hard in terms of memory management.


Reduce or refuse to not use said mods.Ultimate HD Fire Effects Ultra Version is EXTREMELY heavy on memory usage. Recommend using the one that is as big as the vanilla HD pack.usage of Skyrim HD 2K textures is not recommended with this many HD texture replacers on top. Same for aMidianBorn Book of Silence.Inconsequential NPC usage has been known to crash Skyrim, on the fact that there's a lot more entities to handle than before in towns and cities. Keep this in mind. Same for Populated series of mods, of which the author was a previously banned Nexus user who circumvented the ban to begin with.Make sure your Unofficial Patches are updated.Towns and Villages Enhanced may conflict with your current city/town mods.SMIM is very heavy on GPU performance as well as the game engine.Detailed Cities may conflict with your city/town mods.Quality Snow HD 4K with all the above texture mods is not recommended.TL;DR: You have WAY too many cell-editing and texture-replacing mods, with likely conflicts galore. Reduce your city/town mods and texture mod usage.

You're likely hitting and surpassing the that Skyrim has, beyond the heap memory utilization of so many NPC's and entities as well. If you haven't already:. Install thew new SKSE and define it's heap memory; edit - link fail. Install the new and with a system like yours set the VideoMemorySizeMb in enblocal.ini to around 6144+; it will expand out and use some of your system memory as a buffer zone (3GB on your card 3GB on the system). Make sure to change this any time you update ENB files as it will most likely be overwritten.

From personal experience (same card and CPU) if found that two things caused stuttering, one was ENB's that used SweetFX. Other being intensive script mods that had long run durations, Wet&Cold was one that I had particular problems with because of all it's checks.Don't give up, you got this. SkyTEST is 100% safe, and does not cause CTDs, it don't even use scripts.Double Cursor Fix isn't replaced by OneTweak, because you also get that preache killer which is replaced by the Unofficial patches. And Double Cursor Fix is barely 10KB in size so it wont cause problems.Ultimate HD Fire Effects Ultra isn't that heavy on VRAM.And again, I use all these, as well as Inconsequential NPCs and I've never crashed, so I don't know why your saying this is 'known' to cause crashes. Since when is this 'known'?Half the people on here have no idea what there talking about. The guys who are making excellent points here are,.

Listen to these guys, they regularly are some of the most helpful posters on the sub; I can definitely attest to Dave-C and thehybridfrogI am unsure whether you saw, but in the on the ENBdev Forums, Sheson stated this:The information below helps my(!) Skyrim with higher ugrids and many mods. For the love of the holy cow make sure to only use well documented and tested ini settings or spend some time testing them thoroughly yourself. If you can not properly verify cause and effect all you do is wasting time. No need to mess with unknown, untested, unproven settings or mindlessly copy and paste made up things that have no effect.Skyrim.iniFor the love of the holy cow, please get rid of all the nonsense settings. For starters you can check the tesv.exe for its content with notepad.All settings are there to read. Saveini does not dump everything it seems or there are strings that are not used.Whatever wierd things you copied and pasted in your futile attempts to make higher uGrids stable, get rid of them now.For anything above about 50 mods, I would strongly suggest with using Wrye Bash to help smooth out your load order, and using its Bashed Patch function to help alleviate the amount of plugins being loaded too.As someone else had partially commented on Spinning Arrows, you need to be careful about this mod, I have heard about problems with it.

I do believe High Lord Gopher talked about it in one of his LPs and said there was a problem with it. Also keep in the mind that many people have also had a range of issues with Locational Damage, from quirks, bugs and glitches to full on CTDs, freezes and whatnot else. You may want to try it out and see if it plagues your set-up. Again, as many other people have stated you are being extremely heavy on three things in your mod list:.

Graphical mods. Extra NPC and/or building mods. Scripting modsThe amount of graphical mods you have in the list is extremely large, I know that I cannot hope to use that many mods on my set-up, so keep it in mind of whether your system can actually handle that many high or ultra high resolution textures and meshes.Having more actors and buildings within each cell and the world-space will add an extra load onto your system and burden it more and more. You may very well be able to get away with them, just again keep in mind what you are adding the to game and whether it can cope.Lastly you have the scripting mods, like Frostfall, Wet & Cold and Footprints.

The game's engine, Papyrus can only take so much and it can only have so many scripts running before it just starts to chug along and eventually stop altogether - resulting in a freeze.You should always be assessing whether you need mod x, y & z in your load order, when you could get away with just mod x instead. Even with SSME you cannot just pile more and more mods on, it what Sheson created is merely a patch, not a fix-all wand of modding magic.I have not used Spinning Arrows, but that is what I have heard and read.With Locational Damage, you may spend your whole modded save with no issues, ever. So please test your load order extensively as nearly every mod will react differently to different systems and ini settings, and that every load order is different.yes, those air-stewards are right, every time we fly in a plane, it will be different (for every person), as with modding TES V.P.S. If you do not use ENB, you should remove the Parallax mod, as it is ENB only. Well, as this guy pointed out:I have more than 1000 mods and i mix some of them for the screenshots so this is just an example of which mods i tested and i recommend.But keep in mind this:. I'm not only using these mods.

Skyrim Too Many Mods Pack

I'm not using all these mods. This list isn't completed. Don't install all the mods, just try them and make your own mix. I won't reupload the mods if they're deleted from Nexus. Read their description.For his videos and screenshots, he would most likely be only having the mods he needs active, currently active in his load order, at the time of use. For his uses, he would probably only have less than a hundred active at any one time.

ByNow that the console crowd has been spoiled with mods on Bethesda games for some time, the number of options to change up the vanilla experience for Skyrim has absolutely exploded.Even years later, you can consistently get entirely new ways to play the game and completely new ways to see it with graphics overhauls. With more than 7,000 mods now floating around for Xbox One, sifting through the dreck to find the most useful mods becomes quite a chore.That's where we come in, finding all the best mods you should be using for Skyrim in 2018. We're going to assume you already know that you should download the, grab, and install the. If you didn't already know that, well, now you do!Past those basic mods, here are 11 must-have mods available right now, including the best bow mods, archery mods, and hair mods for Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox One.

Vampires Suck: No Attacks In Town.Forget AI overhauls, enhanced weather, rich merchants, or perk tree changes. If there's one single, critical, must-install mod for Skyrim, it's this bad boy right here. I lost count of the number of times the guards in a town started attacking me because I defended myself against a sudden vampire attack.Those annoying blood suckers make it a major chore just to head into town and sell your loot, let alone try to wrap up any quests. Barring a major guard AI update from Bethesda (unlikely at this point), this mod is basically a requirement to even enjoy the game at all. Complete Archery Overhaul.For a radically different ranged combat experience, the Complete Archery Overhaul does exactly what it sounds like. All bows will require a bowstring to function, which must be crafted separately.The aim auto assist is disabled, and a large number of tweaks are made to how arrows function and deal damage, including major changes to the archery tree and modifications to how many arrows can stick out of an enemy at one time.The end result is something markedly different from the base gameplay, and well worth trying out if you like to play as a marksman.

Skyrim Too Many Mods Crash

Apocalypse - Magic Of Skyrim.For those who prefer a magic-slinging character over a ranged archer, this is easily the biggest and most useful mod to change up how the magic system works.155 new spells are added across all the schools of magic, complete with custom effects and animations that blend in with the existing spells. From burying a victim in the earth to conjuring another wizard to fight for you and even to lobbing volcanic lava bombs, you won't ever run out of killer new spells to try out here. Superior Lore-Friendly Hair.There are more than a few hair and body replacement mods out there, but this one stands apart for a couple of reasons. First up, it's significantly smaller in overall file size than the others, leaving you more room to install other Xbox One mods.The changes are also specifically meant to evoke a proper Elder Scrolls fantasy feel, so you won't get any weird, outlandish hairstyles that don't match the surroundings. All the various high-definition changes to the hair also modify a specific texture within the game - rather than adding a new one - so you won't run into any compatibility issues. Ordinator - Perks Of Skyrim.If you've played through Skyrim repeatedly, the existing perk structure can get repetitive and boring, even after trying out different character types.

Ordinator gives you a brand-new leveling experience by replacing every single perk in the game with 400 new options that all have unique names and different bonuses.Placing tripwires as a thief, planting a rallying banner for buffs as a warrior, converting healing spells into damaging holy fire as a mage, and more are all possible with these perk changes. The Forgotten City.The Forgotten City is one of those creations that showcases why the PC and Xbox One mods are pretty much always going to beat out the PS4 versions (which don't allow new assets and thus can't include large new areas like this one).The 'mod,' which is really more of a free DLC, includes a full, extra six-hour experience beyond the base game, revolving around a murder mystery in an underground city.There's a dynamic story here with multiple possible endings, and it's frankly better written and executed than a lot of the vanilla Skyrim quests. Add in voiced characters and music on top, and this is a mod to immediately try out when you've already explored all the other nooks and crannies of the map. Featured ContributorTy splits his time between writing horror fiction and writing about video games. After 25 years of gaming, Ty can firmly say that gaming peaked with Planescape Torment, but that doesn't mean he doesn't have a soft spot for games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout: New Vegas, Bioshock Infinite, and Horizon: Zero Dawn. He has previously written for GamerU and MetalUnderground. He also writes for PortalMonkey covering gaming laptops and peripherals&period.