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Install Stornext Linux Fsnameservers Average ratng: 3,9/5 5612 reviews

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+ StorNext SolutionsStorNext®, a combination of a high-speed, parallel file system and data management software, was created to solve the daunting problem of sharing, preserving, and analyzing massive volumes of unstructured data. Recognized as a leader in scale-out storage for high volume, rich media workflows, customers across a wide variety of workloads benefit from the file system.StorNext-based solutions by RAID Inc. Are tailored to your needs and funding constraints. We build, configure and tune the StorNext file system in our lab, deliver it on time and help install it in your environment.

Install Stornext Linux Fsnameservers Windows 7

Proven in the most data-intensive environments, StorNext scale-out storage by RAID Inc. Offers high-performance file sharing, enterprise data management, protection and archiving for big data environments. Whether you have an existing StornNext system that is underperforming or are planning something new, we can help.

Installing StorNext and StorNext FX Client Software on Linux or UnixAfter downloading the StorNext or StorNext FX client software from the MDC or installation DVD, first make sure you have enough space to extract the software files by following the instructions in. Then install the software on the StorNext or StorNext FX client system using the correct procedure for your operating system:Note: Regardless of the operating system platform onto which you are installing, you must view and accept the StorNext end user license agreement (EULA) before you can install StorNext. Installing StorNext and StorNext FX Client Software on Red Hat or SUSE LinuxTo run the StorNext or StorNext FX client software on Red Hat Linux or SUSE Linux Enterprise, first install the client software package, and then configure the client.Caution: Before installing the StorNext or StorNext FX client software, you must install the kernel source code. You can install the kernel source code by using the installation disks for your operating system.Note: Client software is extracted by default to the directory /tmp/stornext. 1.Log on to the StorNext or StorNext FX client system as root.2.Change to the directory where the client software archive file you downloaded is located.3.Run the client software binary. At the command prompt, type./ where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded.

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(For example, the file for RH5 is snfsclientRedHat50AS26x8664.bin.) 4.When you are presented with the StorNext End User License Agreement (EULA), press to read the EULA. After reading the EULA enter y to accept the EULA, or enter any other key to decline.After you accept the EULA, the client software is extracted to/tmp/stornext (or to another directory if you specified an alternate location; see ).Note: If the directory into which the files are being extracted does not have enough space, the installation will fail and you will receive an error message. You will need to identify an alternate location into which to extract the files by entering the following command:#./ -d Note:where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.Caution: If the directory into which the files are being extracted already exists, you will receive a warning message. If this occurs, either remove the directory and try the installation again, or change the installation directory by entering the following command:#./ -d Caution:where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.It is NOT recommended that you force using an existing directory (by using the -f command) because this could lead to additional problems installing the.rpm files. 5.Change directories to /tmp/stornext (or to the alternate directory if you specified one in the step above).6.List the packages extracted from the software archive file. At the command prompt, type:ls -lIdentify the correct package to install.

The correct package begins with snfs-client and ends with the.rpm file name extension.Note: The file that ends with.rpm.md5sum is a checksum file, not the client software package. 7.Install the required.rpm files in the following order. Use the command rpm -ivh before each package.

For example, rpm -ivh quantumjansson.rpm. The files are installed in the directory: /usr/cvfs. quantumjansson.rpm. quantumprotobuf.rpm.

quantumzeromq.rpm. snfs-common.rpm.

snfs-extapi.rpm. snfs-client.rpm. snupdate.rpm8.Configure the boot order for system services.Note: Skip this step for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 12.x clients. The boot order is determined by systemd.unit(5) unit file dependencies.Perform one of the following:For Red Hat Linux, at the command prompt, type:chkconfig -level 345 cvfs onFor SUSE Linux Enterprise, at the command prompt, type:chkconfig -s raw 235chkconfig -s cvfs 3459.Edit the /usr/cvfs/config/fsnameservers text file to contain the IP address of the MDC to which the StorNext or StorNext FX client will connect.The fsnameservers file on the client must be exactly the same as on the MDC. If the fsnameservers file does not exist, use a text editor to create it.Note: The fsnameservers file needs to contain only the IP address of the MDC. 10.For StorNext FX clients ONLY, copy the.authsecret file from the Xsan MDC to /usr/cvfs/config/.authsecret on the client system.11.Create a mount point for the file system.

At the command prompt, type:mkdir -p chmod 777 where is the directory path where you want the file system to be mounted. For example: /stornext/snfs1 12.Configure the file system to automatically mount after reboot. To do this, edit the /etc/fstab file so that it contains the following line: cvfs rw 0 0where is the name of the StorNext file system and is the directory path created in.

13.Reboot the StorNext or StorNext FX client system.After reboot, the StorNext file system is mounted at the mount point you specified.Note: To manually mount a file system, at the command prompt, type:mount -t cvfs Note:where is the name of the StorNext file system and is the name of the Xsan volume you will use, and is the directory path where you want the file system to be mounted. Installing StorNext Client Software on Debian or Ubuntu LinuxTo run the StorNext client software on Debian or Ubuntu Linux, first install the client software package, and then configure the StorNext client.To install the client software package: 1.Log on to the StorNext client system as root.2.Change to the directory where the client software archive file you downloaded is located.3.Unbundle the snfsclientDebian6026x8664.bin or snfsclientUbuntu14x8664.bin package.4.When you are presented with the StorNext End User License Agreement (EULA), press Enter to read the EULA. After reading the EULA enter y to accept the EULA, or enter any other key to decline.After you accept the EULA, the client software is extracted to /tmp/stornext (or to another directory if you specified an alternate location; see ).Note: If the directory into which the files are being extracted does not have enough space, the installation will fail and you will receive an error message. You will need to identify an alternate location into which to extract the files by entering the following command:#./ -d Note:where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.Caution: If the directory into which the files are being extracted already exists, you will receive a warning message.

If this occurs, either remove the directory and try the installation again, or change the installation directory by entering the following command:#./ -d Caution:where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.It is NOT recommended that you force using an existing directory (by using the -f command) because this could lead to additional problems installing the.rpm files. 5.From the /tmp/stornext directory, install all the.deb packages pacakges by typing:# dpkg -i.deb6.Copy the fsnameservers file from MDC to/usr/cvfs/config/fsnameservers.Note: Note: The fsnameservers file on the client must be exactly the same as on the MDC. 7.If this is a SAN client, check to make sure LUNs are visible.

At the command prompt, type:/usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel -l8.Create a mount point.Example:/stornext/Where is the name of the StorNext File System/Xsan volume you are using on your system. 9.Edit the /etc/fstab to add the client mount options.Example: /stornext/snfs1 cvfs rw 0 0Where is the name of the StorNext File System/Xsan volume you are using on your system.


10.Start the file system service. At the command prompt, type:service cvfs start11.Verify file systems are mounted.Installing StorNext Client Software on Sun SolarisTo run the StorNext Client software on Sun Solaris, first install the client software package, and then configure the client. 1.Log on to the StorNext Client system as root.2.Change to the directory where the client software archive file you downloaded is located.3.Run the client software binary. At the command prompt, type./where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded. (For example, the file for RH5 is snfsclientRedHat50AS26x8664.bin) 4.When you are presented with the StorNext End User License Agreement (EULA), press to read the EULA.

After reading the EULA enter y to accept the EULA, or enter any other key to decline.After you accept the EULA, the client software is extracted to/tmp/stornext (or to another directory if you specified an alternate location; see ).Note: If the directory into which the files are being extracted does not have enough space, the installation will fail and you will receive an error message. You will need to identify an alternate location into which to extract the files by entering the following command:#./ -d Note:where is the name of the client software archive file you downloaded, and is the directory into which you want to extract the installation files.Caution: If the directory into which the files are being extracted already exists, you will receive a warning message.