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You can read this book in about 45 minutes, but it will feel like a week. I think that I would have enjoyed the Spanish version better.

I don't speak Spanish.I don't know whether the authors of this book have an employer, but if they do, I would recommend a 'random' drug test.This book is about a team of two mice and a team of two minature exectives who each slide into a pair of size 0.005 sneakers and run through a maze in search of cheese. All goes well-until somebody moved the cheese!

Ensayo del libro “quien se ha llevado mi queso” El libro trata sobre la vida de cuatro seres dos de ellas son ratoncitos llamados oli y corri y los otros dos son personitas llamados kif y kof, la vida de estos cuatro personajes se desarrolla en un laberinto y el objetivo de estos es el de encontrar queso, pues el queso es lo que hacia feliz.

Chaos You can read this book in about 45 minutes, but it will feel like a week. I think that I would have enjoyed the Spanish version better. I don't speak Spanish.I don't know whether the authors of this book have an employer, but if they do, I would recommend a 'random' drug test.This book is about a team of two mice and a team of two minature exectives who each slide into a pair of size 0.005 sneakers and run through a maze in search of cheese. All goes well-until somebody moved the cheese! Chaos then (predictably if not hilariously) ensues. And that is the intelligent part of the book.For the remainder of the book, we get to listen in on a group of friends discuss how the philosophy behind this epic tale of missing cheese relates to their lives. The members of this discussion group are the type of people for whom warning labels are placed on hot coffee cups.

If this half-assed tale of relocated dairy food has any relevance to your life, then there is any number of medications that you should consider asking your doctor about. This is a book about victimized lower and middle class mice trapped in a corporate capitalist maze, forced by The Man to scurry around, looking for 'The Cheese' (salary, 401K, maybe even decent PPO or HMO). Then The Man (maybe Boeing, maybe American Airlines, maybe Monsanto-whoever) MOVES THE CHEESE because it interferes with his quarterly earnings reports or THE CHEESE will be more cost effective if it is shipped to China or Rwanda where labor is cheaper. So what are the mice supposed to do? A This is a book about victimized lower and middle class mice trapped in a corporate capitalist maze, forced by The Man to scurry around, looking for 'The Cheese' (salary, 401K, maybe even decent PPO or HMO). Then The Man (maybe Boeing, maybe American Airlines, maybe Monsanto-whoever) MOVES THE CHEESE because it interferes with his quarterly earnings reports or THE CHEESE will be more cost effective if it is shipped to China or Rwanda where labor is cheaper. So what are the mice supposed to do?

Are they supposed to unionize, or protest the WTO, or elect people who will enforce antitrust laws in this country! They are supposed to change directions and start running around looking for THE CHEESE in some other part of the maze. Inferior quality CHEESE, no doubt-maybe more of a PROCESSED CHEESE FOOD, without the employer-matched 401K, sans health insurance. Scurry, scurry, little mice! Find your CHEESE before Wall Street and NASDAQ move it again! They are pretty quick to move THE CHEESE and they don't care if you starve!That is why this book is horrid.But I'm not bitter.

Who Moved My Cheese?, Spencer JohnsonWho Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a motivational business fable. The text describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two 'little people' during their hunt for cheese.تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز پانزدهم ماه فوریه سال 2010 میلادیعنوان: چه کسی پنیر مرا جابجا کرد؛ نویسنده: اسپنسر جانسون؛ مترجم: شمسی بهبهانی؛ تهران، نشر اخ Who Moved My Cheese?, Spencer JohnsonWho Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life, published on September 8, 1998, is a motivational business fable. The text describes change in one's work and life, and four typical reactions to those changes by two mice and two 'little people' during their hunt for cheese.تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز پانزدهم ماه فوریه سال 2010 میلادیعنوان: چه کسی پنیر مرا جابجا کرد؛ نویسنده: اسپنسر جانسون؛ مترجم: شمسی بهبهانی؛ تهران، نشر اختران،موشها: « اسنیف » و « اسکوری »؛ و آدم کوچولوها: « هم » و « ها ». این چهار شخصیت برای نشان دادن سادگی و پیچیدگی درون آدمها، بدون در نظر گرفتن: سن، جنس، نژاد یا ملیت هستند. همگی گاهی همچو اسنیف عمل میکنیم، کسانی که تغییرات را زود بو میکشند؛ یا همچون اسکوری به سرعت وارد عمل میشویم.

گاه همانند « هم » میشویم، که با انکار تغییرات رودرروی آنها میایستیم، چرا که میترسیم به سمت چیزی بدتر کشیده شویم. یا مثل « ها » که یاد میگیرد وقتی شرایط او را به سمت چیزی بهتر راهنمایی میکند، خود را با آن هماهنگ کند.

For years I have managed to avoid reading the popular book Who Moved My Cheese? However, it was recently recommended to me because I mentioned that I'm not especially enthusiastic about change.I wish I could un-read this book. I thought it was overly simplistic and rather insulting to any intelligent person. This book contains such clever little proverbs as 'He was happy when he wasn't being run by his fears' (in other words, just stop being afraid, and you'll be happy). Ok, good, I'll try that For years I have managed to avoid reading the popular book Who Moved My Cheese? However, it was recently recommended to me because I mentioned that I'm not especially enthusiastic about change.I wish I could un-read this book. I thought it was overly simplistic and rather insulting to any intelligent person.

This book contains such clever little proverbs as 'He was happy when he wasn't being run by his fears' (in other words, just stop being afraid, and you'll be happy). Ok, good, I'll try that if my car breaks down on a dark deserted highway, or next time my father complains of chest pains.

Sometimes you're not supposed to be happy. Sometimes you're supposed to stay alert and guarded, and be ready for action.The question I wish the author had addressed (instead of coming up with platitudes in praise of change) is this: What is the balance between working to improve what you have (repairing) vs. Looking for something new (replacing)?Adaptation and flexibility are all well and good, but sometimes life is a little too complicated to be resolved just by embracing change. After all, as authors Kathleen and William Lundin said in one of their books 'Adapting to a wild leader is like being the fox in a blood-sport hunt. You may be quick, clever, and nimble, but you'll still be killed at the end of the game.' Change or get run over!A great many people have recommended this particular one to me; I did not read.Self discovering it from your collection I found out why.

I simply had to put your name in the Recommendation Box, Pooja.We might be the most evolved species on the planet but sometimes we do over-process. Adapting and forecasting change lurking around the corner is mark of sheer greatness.The best quote perhaps was curbing the wrong interpretations that might be drawn out: that you should t Change or get run over!A great many people have recommended this particular one to me; I did not read.Self discovering it from your collection I found out why.

I simply had to put your name in the Recommendation Box, Pooja.We might be the most evolved species on the planet but sometimes we do over-process. Adapting and forecasting change lurking around the corner is mark of sheer greatness.The best quote perhaps was curbing the wrong interpretations that might be drawn out: that you should try behaving in a new way in the same relationship. Do not change the person but innovate your habits.

If you love your partner, let them know about it in a million different ways that change everyday.Novelty is what keeps things moving.The story is perfectly written and takes up one hour of your life but may just give you a knowledge of a lifetime. I can see these terms being recited to people in the company I work or the football teams I lead.And I quote,'Keep moving whilst riding a bicycle.

Else you fall down.' Keep your senses sharp. Sniff the changes and scurry to action.And of course, Be Worldclass like the very book itself.Verdict: Spencer Johnson hits the bulls-eye in a 60 minute book. Silly little self promoting book. First third is a bunch of people sitting around talking about this new silver-bullet omniscient business book that changed their lives.Middle third is this fairy tale that I can sum up in five (5) words: SHIT HAPPENS, GET OVER IT.And finally the most insulting part is the last third where that group of high-potential future cult followers reassembles and discusses this epiphany of a book that they have read and they all agree to buy copies for all of their fri Silly little self promoting book.

First third is a bunch of people sitting around talking about this new silver-bullet omniscient business book that changed their lives.Middle third is this fairy tale that I can sum up in five (5) words: SHIT HAPPENS, GET OVER IT.And finally the most insulting part is the last third where that group of high-potential future cult followers reassembles and discusses this epiphany of a book that they have read and they all agree to buy copies for all of their friends and coworkers - as I recall, one guy was going to buy cases of the book for his whole dept at work. Of course the last page is the coup de grais - an order form for more books!Oh pooh, now I have gone and done what Johnson did - gone and wasted a whole lot of words when those 5 in caps above would have sufficed nicely. Way too cheesy (I couldn't resist). While this was probably revolutionary at some point to some people.

For me this one did nothing. It's like self-help for middle-graders.Basically, we've got ourselves a cheesebuster story, about Mice and Men (maybe was the original inspiration to compose this pamphlet?) that live in a labyrinth, finding lots of freedom and Cheese in it. Ughhh.Q:But Cheese never reappeared. (c)Q:It's maze time! (c)Q:Why don't you just wait here with me until Way too cheesy (I couldn't resist). While this was probably revolutionary at some point to some people.

For me this one did nothing. It's like self-help for middle-graders.Basically, we've got ourselves a cheesebuster story, about Mice and Men (maybe was the original inspiration to compose this pamphlet?) that live in a labyrinth, finding lots of freedom and Cheese in it.

Ughhh.Q:But Cheese never reappeared. (c)Q:It's maze time! (c)Q:Why don't you just wait here with me until they put the Cheese back? (c)Q:Why didn't I get up and move with the Cheese sooner? (c)Q:The Quicker you let go of old Cheese. The sooner you find new Cheese. (c)Q:Perhaps most important of all, he realized that there is always New Cheese out there whether you recognize it at the time or not.

And that you are rewarded with it when you go past your fear and enjoy the adventure. When my boss first gave me this book to read, I was definately in place where I had no interest in even knowing what my attitude was towards change. After taking an hour to read the book, I found it to be ridiculous and that it didn't apply to me at all - 'I had always been an advocate for change, what the hell was my boss trying to tell me?'

After going through some difficult times at work with restructure and having to change peoples' roles and responsibilities, I decided to re-read the story When my boss first gave me this book to read, I was definately in place where I had no interest in even knowing what my attitude was towards change. After taking an hour to read the book, I found it to be ridiculous and that it didn't apply to me at all - 'I had always been an advocate for change, what the hell was my boss trying to tell me?'

After going through some difficult times at work with restructure and having to change peoples' roles and responsibilities, I decided to re-read the story about 2 men and 2 mice and what their outlook on change was. To my surprise, because I was actually looking for help with regards to moving my people forward and helping adjust to the changes that were happening around them, I found the book to be more than helpful.

I recognized that for the longest time, I was pretty closed minded and was definately going to die with the cheese if I didn't start embracing change and the outcomes it brings. I also recognized that I had a sniff, a scurry, a hem and lots of haws running around my team. With that knowledge, it helped me focus on how to manage them better which delivered better results from them and also made them happier employees. Christ,I was at that meeting you held the other day up on the hill - I guess you wouldn't remember me, I was at the back of the crowd. Anyway, I really liked it. I gotta admit, some of it kind of went over my head, but it was a great speech. I particularly liked the part with blessed are the cheesemakers, I thought that was inspired.

Most people never think about cheese, but I think about it all the time.Well, like I said, some of it was hard to get, but I talked about it afterwards wit Dear Mr. Christ,I was at that meeting you held the other day up on the hill - I guess you wouldn't remember me, I was at the back of the crowd. Anyway, I really liked it.

I gotta admit, some of it kind of went over my head, but it was a great speech. I particularly liked the part with blessed are the cheesemakers, I thought that was inspired. Most people never think about cheese, but I think about it all the time.Well, like I said, some of it was hard to get, but I talked about it afterwards with my friend Brian and he explained it to me. Then I liked it even more! Yeah, that is a very cool message about living in the moment and not overthinking things. You have something there.

But then I said to myself, what is this guy missing? And the answer came to me clear as clear: cheese. Just one single mention, and do you know, Brian couldn't even remember that bit.So, I hope you won't find this presumptuous or anything, but I wrote a longer version, playing up the cheese and making it more, you know, business-friendly. I've attached a PDF and I'd love to know what you think!Best wishes,SpencerDear Spencer,I wouldn't have used as many words, but I very much appreciated the Parable of the Cheese. I look forward to seeing you again.Your friend,Jesus. This book reminds me of an old Groucho Marx routine: Patient: Doctor, I get a stabbing pain in my eye every time I take a drink of tea. What should I do?

Doctor: Take the spoon out of the cup. Sadly, the lack of ability to see the obvious is pandemic in the corporate world, so I am not at all surprised that this restatement of the obvious was such a major hit in the business world.

Not that I am cynical after my life as a corporate prisoner, but my observation is that there really ar This book reminds me of an old Groucho Marx routine: Patient: Doctor, I get a stabbing pain in my eye every time I take a drink of tea. What should I do? Doctor: Take the spoon out of the cup. Sadly, the lack of ability to see the obvious is pandemic in the corporate world, so I am not at all surprised that this restatement of the obvious was such a major hit in the business world.

Quien Se Ha Llevado Mi Queso Pdf Gratis

Not that I am cynical after my life as a corporate prisoner, but my observation is that there really are a lot of people in business so clueless that this book IS a revelation to them. My observations are not limited to the lower rungs of the corporate ladder. This disease goes all the way to the top and is especially rampant among middle and upper management. The interesting thing is that in the corporate life, everybody sees themselves as Dilbert, but nobody sees themselves as the pointy-haired boss, Ted the Marketing guy, the clueless VP, or as one of the Elbonian workers. Only a few see themselves as Alice or Wally. HEY, WE CAN'T ALL BE DILBERT HERE! Sadly, even the most motivated of corporate drones read books like this only because their boss read it because someone else read it or heard about it at one of those motivational seminars put on by the author.

The whole business world then has a businessgasm about this revelation-du-jour-and the very next day, goes back to doing what they have always done and thinking the way they have always thought-until the next business book restating the obvious or putting a new face on recycled ideas from the jurasic period comes out. And so, the saga continues.

This is a book about how two mice named Sniff and Scurry and two miniature humans named Hem and Haw (that's right) are trapped in a maze that serves as a metaphor for the inherent restrictions and viccisitudes of our lives. One day some invisible force beyond their control takes the cheese from a sector of the maze, sending our mice and little people looking for more, if, indeed there is anymore to be had. Sniff and Scurry, we are told, have the right attitude because 'they keep life simple.th This is a book about how two mice named Sniff and Scurry and two miniature humans named Hem and Haw (that's right) are trapped in a maze that serves as a metaphor for the inherent restrictions and viccisitudes of our lives. One day some invisible force beyond their control takes the cheese from a sector of the maze, sending our mice and little people looking for more, if, indeed there is anymore to be had. Sniff and Scurry, we are told, have the right attitude because 'they keep life simple.they don't overanalyze or overcomplicate things,' and rather than question why the cheese was taken from them they accept change and just get out there and bust their balls humping it through that maze like good little unquestioning furry mini-zombies looking for more. Hem and Haw, like too many humans, we are told, over-think things and fixate on their past comforts and expectations and spend too much time stewing over the unfairness of their loss of food rather than fearlessly getting out there and looking through the maze for more.So, who moved/stole their cheese? That question is never answered.

Nay, it is, posits this book, a completely unimportant and irrelevant question to ask, because, fellow bitches, the system is how it is, it's gonna stay that way, you can't do a fuckin' thing to change that and it's just too goddamned bad if you don't like it, because your cheese is going to be stolen and sent to South China and that's that. So stop bellyaching about jobs and health care.

Just get yourself rich with stinking piles of cheese, or just shut up about it.liberals!Another key question that is not asked is: 'Who designed, built and maintains the maze and whose interests does that serve?' I have a theory, not addressed in the book, that stinking rich executive-types, most of whom have driven their companies into the ground or into slave-wage zones and sent their employees off to look for 'New Cheese' while enjoying their own golden-parachute-financed retirements and/or bailouts, may be among those who have stolen our cheese. But, according to the book, such things are not only outside the realm of questioning, but are irrelevant.

The very idea of changing or creating a more equitable system is simply beyond the pale. You won't be the master of your own cheese, suckers, so be happy with what you can get.Reading this book is like sitting through one of those stupid motivational speeches. It was obviously written as such, and then a loose 'story' was thrown over top of the content to make it into a book. I mean, there are points, where you can actually visualize a person showing the power point slides with one of the sayings in the book written on it, trying to pump up the crowd by saying it with force, and the crowd clapping.The book took me about 45 minutes to read, but it felt much longer.Reading this book is like sitting through one of those stupid motivational speeches. It was obviously written as such, and then a loose 'story' was thrown over top of the content to make it into a book.

I mean, there are points, where you can actually visualize a person showing the power point slides with one of the sayings in the book written on it, trying to pump up the crowd by saying it with force, and the crowd clapping.The book took me about 45 minutes to read, but it felt much longer (much like motivational speeches!). The book can be summed up as follows:Change happens. It's better to move on when it does than expect things to go back to how they were, and it's better to prepare for change then expect things to stay how they are.That's it. You don't need to read the book now.

I mean, that is the summary of the story. They then threw together a pointless storyline of someone telling a group of old friends this story. Then after the story is over, it has all of the friends talking about how the story impacted them. For an inspirational, self-help book, is an easy, quick read but quite unpleasant too with a very patronizing tone to its narration. I just picked it up out of whim as the Internet is full of positive reviews and praise, so naturally I was curious and also since I had an ebook stashed since forever. But, now after having read this, I am not exactly sure what to make out of it. Well, I am glad I didn't buy and read this and another positive thing was that it was a really short For an inspirational, self-help book, is an easy, quick read but quite unpleasant too with a very patronizing tone to its narration.

I just picked it up out of whim as the Internet is full of positive reviews and praise, so naturally I was curious and also since I had an ebook stashed since forever. But, now after having read this, I am not exactly sure what to make out of it. Well, I am glad I didn't buy and read this and another positive thing was that it was a really short read.In a single sentence, this book tries to explain the significance of adapting and reacting positively to changes which is in fact quite a decent subject for an inspirational book, but does absolutely no justice with it. The story was exorbitantly simplistic and entirely obvious and I found myself absolutely not agreeing with a lot in here. I am not going to go into details about characters who are called Sniff and Scurry, Hem and Haw and who actually sniff and scurry, hem and haw.One thing that I found really irritating was how the author, in his slightly condescending manner, tries to force the readers to believe that all change is good change and the faster you let go of things the sooner you can get back to enjoying life as before. No I surely do not agree with this.

QuesoLibro quien se ha llevado mi queso

There are some things one simply does not get over with. What about fatal health issues, or the loss of a loved one? Yes, one learns to live with it but does not really get over it.

Yes, change is inevitable. Situations change, people change, life happens and hardly anything ever remains the same, but, that still doesn't mean that all change is good, or that people need to be happy about every change that occurs. Everything does not revolve around enjoying every change. Adapting and accepting a situation is one thing, trying to happy about every other situation, fair or not is entirely another.Sorry this review was more of a rant, and I know I've used too much of the word change, but I was totally disappointed with this so called bestseller and I needed to vent.

Thanks for reading. The review in English downملحوظة بسيطة قبل ما أكتب الريفيو باللغة اللي قرأت بيها الكتاب:-النسخة العربية بتاعة مكتبة جرير مش كاملة مش كاملة مش كاملة مش كاملة:D, المترجم شايل جمل كتير أوي منها, تقريبا حذف ربعها أو أكتر,و لعب المترجم السعودي بالألفاظ ليتحول الكاتب و كأنه إمام جامع:3.Spencer Johnson talks in this book ' as a received a B.A. Degree in psychology from the University of Southern California in 1963 ' about the Second important basic needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, ' Safe The review in English downملحوظة بسيطة قبل ما أكتب الريفيو باللغة اللي قرأت بيها الكتاب:-النسخة العربية بتاعة مكتبة جرير مش كاملة مش كاملة مش كاملة مش كاملة:D, المترجم شايل جمل كتير أوي منها, تقريبا حذف ربعها أو أكتر,و لعب المترجم السعودي بالألفاظ ليتحول الكاتب و كأنه إمام جامع:3.Spencer Johnson talks in this book ' as a received a B.A.

Two decades ago, only one man understood the transformative power of his parable about industrious mice. Now the world knows.Sept. 8 marks the 20th anniversary of Spencer Johnson’s “Who Moved My Cheese?,” one of the most unlikely bestsellers in American publishing.

Originally posted by:I'm doing a new spears only character.Yeah, honestly, spears seeem kind of insane. It's also great against bosses for sustained damage, so you can focus on dodging.The Ex Machina would probably be the best weapon I've seen so far, if only it had Guided Rocket instead of Controlled Rocket (which has limited use other than to spam 2 rockets at the same time). Starbound best mech weapon. I tested a bit just now with a pretty decent one (Callox Pulsestabber, cold elemental, 34.4 DMG / 1.1 ROF and Energy Whirl.Basically, the energy whirl spin itself does damage for when things are right ON TOP of you, which beats the astral saber in usefulness for melee, the energy whirl can be thrown forward through a group of enemies and hit all of them, beating the usefulness of a piercing shot sniper rifle/splash damage from the rocket launcher. I also use a sword with Super Spin Slash because it can be used to basically give you additional height on jumps, used as a method to slowfall, etc. I have a bunch of situational weapons.My go to gun currently is the Ex Machina, high powered Rocket Launcher.For large groups of enemies I use Vintage Scoped Rifle (for piercing shot) and if things get too close I use the Asoterusaberu as a backup.I also use the Alien Worm Gun because you can lead the tentacles around walls and with the seeker's armor set you basically never run out of energy to keep the tentacles going.

Since 1998, when it first appeared in print, this brief self-help title has sold almost 30 million copies, and its sales are still gouda. Johnson, a physician who turned to writing early in his career, required his American publisher Two decades ago, only one man understood the transformative power of his parable about industrious mice. Now the world knows.Sept. 8 marks the 20th anniversary of Spencer Johnson’s “Who Moved My Cheese?,” one of the most unlikely bestsellers in American publishing. Since 1998, when it first appeared in print, this brief self-help title has sold almost 30 million copies, and its sales are still gouda. Johnson, a physician who turned to writing early in his career, required his American publisher to keep his masterpiece always in hardback — never paperback — so that readers would take it seriously.

Quien Se Ha Llevado Mi Queso Pagina Por Pagina

And they do.In the world of business books, the “Cheese” stands alone.Johnson’s big-print fable captured the imagination of a whole generation of managers, but the question of what moved “Who Moved My Cheese?” remains something of a mystery. Its phenomenal success exceeded the expectations of almost everyone involved at the beginning.

After all, the title sounded silly, and years had passed since Johnson had co-written “The One Minute Manager” with Kenneth Blanchard. So when early sales of “Who Moved My Cheese?” languished, no one was particularly shocked.

One former publishing executive recalls that the book looked.To read the rest of this essay, go to The Washington Post. ChangeOur natural human reaction to comfort, or perceived comfort, is to protect it and hang onto it. Even as that comfort starts to erode we are inclined to ignore the obvious and cling on to what we know.

Spencer Johnson has written a very short book that explores how and why we should address change in our lives. Cheese is a metaphor for 'What we want in life', whether that be in personal or professional circumstances.The one constant we have in life is CHANGE.

'If we do not change we can be ChangeOur natural human reaction to comfort, or perceived comfort, is to protect it and hang onto it. Even as that comfort starts to erode we are inclined to ignore the obvious and cling on to what we know.

Spencer Johnson has written a very short book that explores how and why we should address change in our lives. Cheese is a metaphor for 'What we want in life', whether that be in personal or professional circumstances.The one constant we have in life is CHANGE. 'If we do not change we can become extinct' and 'The quicker we let go of old cheese the sooner we find new cheese'. When cheese goes off it smells so keep your sense of smell on alert. This is a compelling fable on the importance of keeping 'change' as a way of life and assent to its core principles.Fables are a powerful means of getting across a message, and this book is one of the most popular books in this genre and understandably so.

What a waste of time this book was. It only took about 15-30 minutes to read, but I was begging God to give that time back to me. This book is the perfect example of all that was wrong with U.S. Business culture in the late 90s up to the crash of the overinflated tech industry. It was a time when the simplest things were made massively complicated. Every old idea rehashed with buzz words was a 'paradigm shift in the new economy.'

It was a time when any inexperienced college grad with Birkenstock What a waste of time this book was. It only took about 15-30 minutes to read, but I was begging God to give that time back to me. This book is the perfect example of all that was wrong with U.S. Business culture in the late 90s up to the crash of the overinflated tech industry. It was a time when the simplest things were made massively complicated. Every old idea rehashed with buzz words was a 'paradigm shift in the new economy.' It was a time when any inexperienced college grad with Birkenstocks, a goatee and a laptop could throw 'dot com' after 'widget' and have billions of dollars thrown at him.

My boss at the time required every employee to read it. I am truly shocked that my eyeballs didn't roll across my desk from rolling them them so much reading this self-important junk. It's all common sense, people. Change happens. Does anyone out there NOT know this Jeez! Librarian’s note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.Spencer Johnson, M.D. Left behind a medical career to write short books about life.

The most famous was “Who Moved My Cheese?' Published in 1998. The book became a publishing phenomenon and a workplace manual.

Over 50 million copies of Spencer Johnson’s books are in use worldwide in 47 languages.Dr. Johnson's Librarian’s note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.Spencer Johnson, M.D. Left behind a medical career to write short books about life. The most famous was “Who Moved My Cheese?' Published in 1998.

The book became a publishing phenomenon and a workplace manual. Over 50 million copies of Spencer Johnson’s books are in use worldwide in 47 languages.Dr. Johnson's education included a psychology degree from the University of Southern California, a M.D. From the Royal College of Surgeons and medical clerkships at Harvard Medical School and the Mayo Clinic.